Cleaning Floor Cleaning

8 Floor Cleaning Mistakes You Must Avoid

A look at the common floor cleaning mistakes practices and how to avoid them.

The ABCs of Floor Cleaning

floor cleaning mistakes

Floor cleaning is more than merely mopping with soapy water whenever the floor looks dirty. Correct floor maintenance not only goes a long way in keeping a professional image of the space, but it also avoids concerns of hygiene and the risk of slips, trips and fall injuries.

This blog presents 8 common floor cleaning mistakes that you must avoid at all costs.

Mistake #1: Failing to sweep the Floors before cleaning

Why avoid it?

The floor cleaning machines or mop could become dirty and re-spread the dirt, resulting in repetitive cleaning.

What is the corrective action?

To avoid these floor cleaning mistakes, sweep off the dirt and dust on the floor before using a floor cleaning solution.

Mistake #2: Using the incorrect type and amount of chemicals

Why avoid it?

Incorrect chemical quantities and inappropriate chemicals may end up damaging the floor.

What is the corrective action?

To avoid such floor cleaning mistakes, you must:

  • Avoid any ammonia-based products for floor cleaning. Ammonia can discolour, dull and deteriorate the floor finish.

  • Avoid vinegar-based products, as their acidity can damage the flooring veneer.

  • Educate the cleaning staff about the usage of cleaning solutions for the concerned floor type. Know the composition of your floor so you know the right solution to use for cleaning. If unsure of the composition, use a neutral cleaner.

  • Instruct them to read product labels before using the chemicals. Always use the product in the right dilution. Over-diluted product will lead to improper cleaning whereas under-diluted product will lead to sticky floors.

  • Use a reliable floor cleaner, such as Crew Disinfectant Floor Cleaner. It is formulated to clean and sanitize floor types, including vinyl, marble and granite. It is effective in all water conditions.

Mistake #3: Scrubbing spilt stains

Why avoid it?

Scrubbing spilt stains may help to set the stain instead of removing it.

What is the corrective action?

In order to correct such floor cleaning mistakes, you should:

  • Blot the spill using an old cloth or towel.

  • Use an appropriate spot cleaning product to remove hard spot stains, such as ink, rust, chewing gums or scuff marks.

Use Crew Disinfectant Floor Cleaner after spot cleaning. It removes stubborn stains and has zero abrasives or bleach.

Mistake #4: Assuming the Floor is clean

Why avoid it?

Floors are breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses. So, simply relying on eyes to determine if the floors are clean is not the right way to go.

What is the corrective action?

To correct such floor cleaning mistakes, you should:

  • Clean the floors thoroughly with a disinfectant. It is best to use a cleaner-cum-disinfectant, such as Crew Disinfectant Floor Cleaner. It is formulated to kill 99.99% pathogenic bacteria. Available in 3 different scents — Floral, citrus, and neem — it leaves behind a refreshing fragrance after every use.

  • Determine the frequency of cleaning based on the daily footfall intensity. Avoid aggressive cleaning, or else the cleaning action will damage the floor.

Mistake #5: Considering every cleaner as a Disinfectant

Why avoid it?

Not all cleaners are disinfectants. This ignorance could lead to the floors not being disinfected during or after cleaning, thus increasing the susceptibility to infection.

What is the corrective action?

These floor cleaning mistakes can be avoided by:

  • Reading the product labels.

  • Ensure using a disinfectant spray after floor cleaning, if the floor cleaner does not have disinfectant claims.

To clean and disinfect the floor in a single go, opt for a cleaner-cum-disinfectant, such as Crew Disinfectant Floor Cleaner.


Mistake #6: Using only 1 mop for cleaning all areas

Why avoid it?

A singular mop used in restrooms and hallways could cause cross-contamination.

What is the corrective action?

Designate mops for cleaning floors of different areas and keep them separate after washing them.

Mistake #7: Not cleaning the equipment

Why avoid it?

Unclean mops and equipment could spread germs and dirt.

What is the corrective action?

Wash cleaning cloths, mop heads and scrubbing brushes with disinfectants before reuse. This way you can prevent such floor cleaning mistakes.

Mistake #8: Failing to follow a regular cleaning schedule

Why avoid it?

Irregular cleaning may lead to loss of floor lustre and amp up the costs for floor maintenance. Moreover, stains may be harder to remove if present for a longer duration.

What is the corrective action?

Clean floors regularly with Crew Disinfectant Floor Cleaner and examine them for potential problems.

To Conclude

Diversey Prosumer Crew Disinfectant floor cleaner for Choosing Right Disinfectant To Fight COVID

Committing floor cleaning mistakes could end up costing you in the long run. Save your time, effort, and resources by relying on the right floor cleaner.

Having the right cleaning chemical and the knowledge of when to use them will help you with quick, effective, and safe floor cleaning. And, when it comes to effective, cost-effective, hassle-free, 100% safe, and swift floor cleaning, trust Diversey Prosumer’s Crew Disinfectant Floor Cleaner.
